Dr. Ravindra Taware, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor , Department of Natural Products
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research-Ahmedabad
ravindra[dot]taware[at]niperahm[dot]res[dot]in, ravindra[dot]taware[at]niperahm[dot]ac[dot]in
+91-79 66745555, +91-9921438265
Opp Air Force Headquarters, Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382355
Research Interest
- Bio prospecting of endophytic fungi for sustainable production of novel bioactive natural products.
- Implementation of genomic, proteomics and metabolomic approaches for the strain prioritization for isolation of bioactive natural products.
- Biotransformation of natural products to obtain chemically hard to synthesize derivatives with enhanced selectivity and bioactivity.
- Cancer Metabolomics.
March 2021- Present
Assistant Professor
Department of Natural Product, NIPER-Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
January 2021-March 2021
Scientist II
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
November 2015-May 2020
Research Associate
National Centre for Cell Science, Pune.
September 2013-September 2015
Post doctoral researcher
Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France
- Secured merit scholarship by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi for pursuing M.Sc. studies (2004).
- Qualified Department of Biotechnology- Biotechnology Eligibility Test (DBT-BET) and recipient of Junior Research Fellowship. (April 2006).
- Secured Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – Junior Research Fellowship (CSIR- JRF, 2006).
- Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering- life sciences (GATE-2006).
- Qualified Agriculture Research Service – National Eligibility Test (ARS- NET, 2007).
- Secured Council of Scientific and Industrial Research -Research Associateship (CSIR- RA, 2017).
- Secured Council of Scientific and Industrial Research –Senior Research Associateship (CSIR- SRA, 2021-not availed)
- DST-Fast track young scientist grant for the implementation of project entitled “Bioprospecting of endophytic fungi isolated from Artemisia annua for production of artemisinin like compounds”. (2013-not availed)
Khushman Taunk, Priscilla Porto-Figueira, Jorge A. M. Pereira, Ravindra Taware, Nattane Luíza da Costa ,Rommel Barbosa ,Srikanth Rapole andJosé S. Câmara. (2022). Urinary Volatomic Expression Pattern: Paving the Way for Identification of Potential Candidate Biosignatures for Lung Cancer, Metabolites. 12(1), 36. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo12010036
Venkatesh Chanukuppa, Ravindra Taware, Khushman Taunk, Tathagat Chatterjee, Sanjeevan Sharma, Venkatesan Somasundaram, Faraz Rashid, Dipankar Malakar, Manas K. Santra, Srikanth Rapole.2021 Proteomic alterations in multiple myeloma: A comprehensive study using bone marrow interstitial fluid and serum samples. Frontiers in oncology, 10:566804. DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2020.566804
Ravindra Taware,, Tushar H. More, Muralidhararao Bagadi, Khushman Taunk, Anupama Maneb and Srikanth Rapole. 2021 Lipidomics investigations into the tissue phospholipidomic landscape of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. RSC Advances,11, 397-407. DOI: 10.1039/d0ra07368g
Jorge A. M. Pereira, Priscilla Porto-Figueira, Ravindra Taware, Pritam Sukul, Srikanth Rapole, José S. Câmara. 2020 Unravelling the Potential of Salivary Volatile Metabolites in Oral Diseases. A Review. Molecules, 25, 3098.
Ravindra Taware, Khushman Taunk, Totakura V. S. Kumar, Jorge A. M. Pereira, José S. Câmara, H. A. Nagarajaram, Gopal C. Kundu, Srikanth Rapole. 2020. Extracellular volatilomic alterations induced by hypoxia in breast cancer cells. Metabolomics.16:21
Venkatesh Chanukuppa, Tushar H. More, Khushman Taunk, Ravindra Taware, Tathagata Chatterjee, Sanjeevan Sharma and Srikanth Rapole. 2019. Serum metabolomic alterations in multiplemyeloma revealed by targeted and untargetedmetabolomics approaches: a pilot study. RSC Advances. 9:29522-29532
Venkatesh Chanukuppa, Ravindra Taware, Tathagat Chatterjee, Sanjeevan Sharma, Tushar More, Khushman Taunk, Sarvanan Kumar, Manas Kumar Santra, Srikanth Rapole. 2018. Current Understanding of the Potential of Proteomics and Metabolomics Approaches in Cancer Chemoresistance: A Focus on Multiple Myeloma. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 18(30):2584-2598
Ravindra Taware, Khushman Taunk, Jorge A M Pereira, Amey Shirolkar, Dharmesh Soneji, José S Câmara, H A Nagarajaram, and Srikanth Rapole. 2018. Volatilomic Insight of Head and Neck Cancer via the Effects Observed on Saliva Metabolites. Scientific Reports. 8(1):17725
Cavaco Carina, Jorge A M Pereira, Khushman Taunk, Ravindra Taware, Srikanth Rapole, Hampapathalu Nagarajaram, and José S Câmara. 2018. Screening of Salivary Volatiles for Putative Breast Cancer Discrimination : An Exploratory Study Involving Geographically Distant Populations. Anal Bioanal Chem. 410(18):4459-4468
Tushar H More*, Ravindra Taware*, Khushman Taunk, Venkatesh Chanukuppa, and Venkateshwarlu Naik, Anupama Mane and Srikanth Rapole. 2018. Investigation of Altered Urinary Metabolomic Profiles of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of Breast Using Targeted and Untargeted Approaches. Metabolomics. 14(8):107. (* Equal contribution)
Khushman Taunk, Ravindra Taware, Tushar H More, Priscilla Porto-figueira, Jorge A M Pereira, Rajkishore Mohapatra, Dharmesh Soneji, Jose S Camara, H A Nagrajaram and Srikanth Rapole. 2018. A Non-Invasive Approach to Explore the Discriminatory Potential of the Urinary Volatilome of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast. RSC Advances. 8 (44): 25040–50.
Ravindra Taware, Khushman Taunk, Jorge A. M. Pereira, Rahul Dhakne, Narayanan Kannan, Dharmesh Soneji, José S. Câmara, H. A. Nagarajaram, and Srikanth Rapole. 2017. Investigation of Urinary Volatomic Alterations in Head and Neck Cancer: A Non-Invasive Approach towards Diagnosis and Prognosis. Metabolomics. 13 (10): 111.
Ravindra Taware, Prasad Abnave, Deepak Patil, Pattuparambil Ramanpillai Rajamohananan, Remya Raja, Gowrishankar Soundararajan, Gopal Chandra Kundu, Mahesh Kharat, Kalpana Pai and Absar Ahmad. 2015. Trichothecin from Endophytic Fungus Trichothecium Sp . and Its Anticancer Effect on Murine Melanoma and Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Current Biochemical Engineering. 2: 73–80.
Ravindra Taware, Prasad Abnave, Deepak Patil, Pattuparambil Ramanpillai Rajamohananan, Remya Raja, Gowrishankar Soundararajan, Gopal Chandra Kundu, and Absar Ahmad. 2014. Isolation , Purification and Characterization of Trichothecinol-A Produced by Endophytic Fungus Trichothecium Sp . and Its Antifungal , Anticancer and Antimetastatic Activities. Sustainable Chemical Processes. 2 (1): 1–9.
Rahul Kumar, Ravindra Taware, Vikram S Gaur, S K Guru and Anil Kumar. 2009. Influence of Nitrogen on the Expression of TaDof1 Transcription Factor in Wheat and Its Relationship with Photo Synthetic and Ammonium Assimilating Efficiency. Molecular Biology Reports. 36 (8): 2209–20
Research Scholars
Student Details
Samriti Sankalani
PhD Research Scholar
Ashish Sahu
PhD Research Scholar
Vaidehi Bhavsar
PhD Research Scholar
Kalpesh Patil
Masters Student
Ayushi Jaiswal
Masters Student
Microbial biotransformation of bioactive natural products