
Vision & Mission


To be a Nationally and Internationally recognized premier Centre of Excellence in Teaching, Research and Entrepreneurial Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biomedical Technology

  • To ensure that departmental and administrative associates are provided with necessary resources to excel in learning, research, teaching and administration.
  • To establish Centre of Excellence in Medical Devices for contributing to medical technology education through collaborative programmes of mutual interest.
  • To evolve pharmaceutical clusters with common facilities for creating an ecosystem for the benefit of SME’s focusing to establish therapeutics equivalence through BA/ BE studies.
  • Development of human resources by skill up-gradation of students through specialized courses and training and to reach the general masses.
  • To encourage students for innovative translational research through interdisciplinary research team.
  • To promote national and international collaboration with Pharmaceutical Industries, Medical Centres and Universities.
  • To facilitate international student and faculty exchange programmes to enhance the diversity on the campus.
  • To organize International and National conferences and structured workshops for the benefit of students and professionals.
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