
Events Detail

independence day celebration at NIPER-A
Celebrating 77th Independence day at NIPER Ahmedabad.
  • 2023-08-15 00:00:00
  • 2023-09-15 00:00:00
  • NIPER-Ahmedabad

NIPER Ahmedabad celebrated the 77th Independence Day with fervor and enthusiasm, showcasing the institute’s strong commitment to patriotism and unity.

The celebration commenced with the hoisting of the national flag, where the entire NIPER community stood in unity to pay homage to the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. The national anthem resonated throughout the campus, instilling a sense of pride and patriotism.

The Director in his speech emphasized that NIPER-Ahmedabad being an institution of Govt. of India, represents a mini India in itself and we, the people of NIPER-A do bear a part of the responsibility for the national progress in the area of our expertise and work.

The Registrar, Dean, along with faculty members, staff, and students, ignited a rejuvenated feeling of unity and patriotism that resonated throughout the NIPER Ahmedabad community.

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