

Title Study of anti ulcer activity of Ficus religiosa L. on experimentally induced gastric ulcers in rats
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 3.041 Year 2010
DOI Number https://doi.org/10.1016/S1995-7645(10)60189-7 Page No 791-793 Volume No 3
Department Department of Natural Products Paper Type Review Issue No 10
Journal Name Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine
Title Interaction study of NSAIDs with cow’s ghee and its fatty acids by NMR spectroscopy
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 0.1 Year 2010
DOI Number Page No 24-31 Volume No 2
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Review Issue No 8
Journal Name Journal of Global Pharma Technology
Title Synthesis and biological evaluation of arylidene analogues of Meldrum’s acid as a new class of antimalarial and antioxidant agents
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 2.802 Year 2010
DOI Number 10.1016/j.bmc.2010.06.033 Page No 5626- 5633 Volume No 18
Department Department of Natural Products Paper Type Research Issue No 5
Journal Name Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
Title Activity of extracts and procesterol from Calotropis gigantea against Entamoeba histolytica
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 1.496 Year 2010
DOI Number Page No 867-868 Volume No 5
Department Department of Biotechnology Paper Type Research Issue No 6
Journal Name Natural Product Communications
Title Medicated chewing gum a potential drug delivery system
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 8.129 Year 2010
DOI Number 1517/17425247.2010.493554 Page No 871- 885 Volume No 7
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Research Issue No 7
Journal Name Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery
Title Simple and validated UV-spectroscopic method for estimation of moxifloxacin.HCL in bulk and formulation
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 0.1 Year 2010
DOI Number Page No 21-27 Volume No 2
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Research Issue No 6
Journal Name Journal of Global Pharma Technology
Title Comparative pharmacokinetics profile of vasa swaras with vasicine and vasicinone
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 2.213 Year 2010
DOI Number 10.1365/s10337-010-1517-x Page No 609-615 Volume No 71
Department Department of Natural Products Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name Chromatographia
Title Monoclonal antibodies AC-43 and AC-29 disrupt Plasmodium vivax development in the Indian malaria vector Anopheles culicifacies (Diptera: Culicidae)
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 2.795 Year 2010
DOI Number 10.1007/s12038-010-0011-9 Page No 87-94 Volume No 35
Department Department of Biotechnology Paper Type Research Issue No 1
Journal Name Journal of Biosciences
Title Simultaneous Quantification of Bergenin, (+)-Catechin, Gallicin and Gallic acid; and Quantification of β-Sitosterol using HPTLC from Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. Forma ligulata Yeo (Pasanbheda)
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 1.300 Year 2010
DOI Number doi:10.4172/2153-2435.1000104 Page No 100-104 Volume No 1
Department Department of Natural Products Paper Type Research Issue No 1
Journal Name Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta
Title HPTLC densitometric quantification of glycyrrhizin, glycyrrhetinic acid, apigenin, kaempferol and quercetin from glycyrrhiza glabra.
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 2.213 Year 2009
DOI Number 10.1365/s10337-009-1383-6 Page No 1665-1672 Volume No 70
Department Department of Natural Products Paper Type Research Issue No 12
Journal Name Chromatographia
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