Prof. Shailendra Saraf, is a pharmacy professional who is actively involved in promoting pharmacy education and research. He completed his graduation, post-graduation and doctorate in pharmacy from Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. H.S. Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar in the year 1986, 1988 and 1993 respectively. He has served as Professor and Principal at B.R.N. College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur, M.P. (1995-2002), as Director at University Institute of Pharmacy and Dean, Faculty of technology (7th tenure) at Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, C.G (PRSU). He also served as Chairman, Board of Studies in Pharmacy along with all prestigious statutory positions at Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, including member of Executive Council (4 Tenure).
He was also Vice-Chancellor of the state university, Hemchand Yadav University, Durg, Chhattisgarh. He has long association with the Pharmacy Council of India for more than 16 years and hold the position of Vice-President of PCI (2016-2021).
During his professional career he was associated with various national statutory, regulatory and accreditation bodies i.e., PCI, AICTE, UGC, DST, NAAC, NBA etc. He has contributed significantly to the pharmacy profession through different professional bodies like Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI), Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA), India Society of Pharmacognosy (ISP), Indian Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (IACP), Asian Association of College of Pharmacy (AASP), Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) and Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) in different capacities. He is also a member of the international commission(IC) of ACPE, USA(2021-2025).
As a researcher he has worked in the field of Herbal Technology, Medicinal Plant Research and NDDS and successfully completed several research projects supported by extramural research funding agencies like UGC, AICTE, MPCOST, CGCOST, DST. He continues to play a vital role in establishing and implementing several institutional projects like UGC-SAP, AICTE- MODROB, DST- FIST and DST supported National Centre for Natural Resource. During his tenure as director (2002-2013; 2016-2017) the University Institute of Pharmacy of PRSU was recognized as one of the best UTD departments (NIRF Ranking 48-2018) of the PRSU and a nationally recognized centre for research in pharmaceutical sciences.
He has supervised 15 candidates for their Ph. D. degree and published more than 200 research/ Review papers in different peer reviewed Journals of National and International repute, authored 7 books / chapters and filed 10 patents. He has 5300+ citations and 34 H-index in SCOPUS.
He has also been a reviewer and member of various editorial boards of different National and International Journals and served as chairperson, resource person and keynote speaker in several national and international seminars, conferences and workshops. He has travelled different countries in various capacities to USA, UK, Switzerland, Singapore, UAE, Nepal, Malaysia and Mauritius, etc.
His exemplary work has been recognized with several awards: Fellow of International Institute of Organizational Psychological Medicine, USA-Australia-UK, 2019; Dr. K. R. Parikh Award, IASTAM, ISTAM, India, 2019; Platinum jubilee lecture award, Indian Science Congress, 105 ISC, Imphal, 2018, Merit of Excellence Award, ISP, 2018, Lifetime Achievement Award, Pharma Ratan Award, RDM, New Delhi, 2018, Late Smt. Kamla Ben Vavia Memorial Award for the contribution to APTI, 2017, Pharma Ratan – Academics Administration Award 2017, New Delhi, 2017, IPA- Fellowship Award, Indian Pharmaceutical Society, 2016, Principal of the Year Award, APTI, 2016, Diamond Jubilee Illustrious Alumni Award, Dr. H. S. Gour University, 2016, Golden Jubilee Illustrious Alumni Award, Dr. H. S. Gour University, 2006, PD Sethi Best Paper Award, PD Sethi Annual Awards, 2010, Best Paper Award, APTI, APTI, 2008, Best Paper Award, IPA, IPC, Hyderabad, 2005, to mention a few.